Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Hamar Cathedral

The Hamar Cathedral
Originally uploaded by Arnt-Erik

Please CONGRATULATE Arnt-Erik as our Blogged Featured Photographer! Please click on the photo and leave your congratulatory comment.


This is a medieval church (from about 1200) that was destroyed by the swedes in 1567. The hard Norwegian winters threatended to finish off the work the swedes didn't manage to do, so someone had the rather brilliant idea of protecting the remaining ruins with a hi-tec glass construction,and this is what it looks like inside. The outside can be seen elsewhere on my photostream. For more, see

I would have taken many more pictures, but there had just been a wedding so I snuck in to take some pictures, but was instantly thrown out after taking my 3 bracketed exposures. Don't know what gave me away, could it have been the red T-shirt and shorts?

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